Birds, Hedgehog, Visits, Wildlife

Lowes at home

Well almost, a good near 2nd. The loch view above, seen from one of the visitor hides at SWT Loch of the Lowes, is maybe missing from the garden but recent activity seen from my gardenwatch window, pretty well matched what I’d see from the observation window in the visitor centre. Garden focus had been… Read More Lowes at home

Birds, Plants

Phew! Flying past…

…to the middle of the month with ‘Boofle’ in birthday cake form, sunny mornings, blue skies, first flowers opening, a snow covered garden, flattened flowers, grey skies, heavy rain, an invasion of Finches, recovering flowers, new shoots through the ground, a lengthy visit from Mr S. and short ones by Jack Frost . The cameras… Read More Phew! Flying past…


A nervous place

With a female Sparrowhawk making repeated visits to the garden feeders this morning the other birds are understandably looking nervous. Completely oblivious to this are small group of Siskins who have just arrived. I have noticed in the past that they don’t get the jitters the same way as the other birds. They seem quite… Read More A nervous place