
#30DaysWild Day 8 – More fragrance required

The requirement of ‘more fragrance required’ in my garden was highlighted early this morning. Walking out my front door something hit my nose – no it wasn’t a squawking Starling juvenile! It could have been though. Nor was it my wisteria as it’s not quite in flower yet. The wisteria in my back garden anyway.

Being truthful, I couldn’t actually describe the fragrance of my, much looked forward to every year, wisteria blooms. The fragrance I was getting this morning at my front door was completely unfamiliar. Just what was I smelling?

I looked around. The penny quickly dropped. It was a new plant for 2016! This was a birthday plant too (bought with gift money from my Mum). I bought three of this plant for my front door planters and I was looking at three open flowers! I bent down to smell them – Wow!!! I was seeing my Mum today. Reluctantly, I picked one – she just had to smell this 🙂

She was pretty too… please meet, Cottage Pink, Dianthus ‘Cherry Daiquiri’

A second penny dropped later in the day. Last night, when I went out to check I had locked my car before going to bed, I noticed a moth flying low at my legs. I had never noticed them when checking the car before. I watched it a while as it buzzed around my planters. The pennies weren’t dropping at that time though. Too tired I suspect, with posting late every night for seven consecutive nights for #30DaysWild 🙂

I guess at the time of purchase, I took in that the Dianthus was a fragrant plant but it was the deep, eye centre colour that I was drawn to. I had already bought deep pink, bedding Osteospermums for these planters and this was going to match it nicely. Yep, I was being shallow and it was all about the colour 🙂

After yesterday’s post about orange flowers, it should be no surprise that last month I had the beautiful, orange tulip, ‘Princess Irene’ making a splash along with another newbie, the myrtle spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites) with its wonderful trailing lime green blooms in my planters.

‘Purple Sensation’ Allium bulbs are in the planters too but only one has shown face. The tulips are now well gone now but tangerine Californian poppy seeds (Eschscholzia ‘Orange King) have germinated nicely and will bring back the orange colour later in the summer.

Taking away colour, completely, highlights that plants need way much more to tempt the pollinators in to visit our gardens. For sure, my garden fell well short pre blog. I had a green garden – that’s green the colour. I had many, many shades of green with the variety of foliage plants I loved to grow. All different shapes and textures too which was great for wildlife cover but I wasn’t thinking that way then.

The fantastic scent that greeted me this morning really has been a bit of an epiphany. Yes, my garden has lots of wildlife (not even considering what is living in my pond) with birds, bees and butterflies but I really could do more for moths and my own well-being. Scent! The garden needs more scent, much more. This will be the next stage in an ever evolving garden for wildlife.

Up in our nestbox, the seven Coal tit chicks are evolving at speed! They are now 14 days old and getting to look properly cute and fluffy. The colour in our nestbox appears via natural sunlight through the roof panel, which it only gets early morning. The chicks shouldn’t get to hot in there with this location. I can’t wait to see their colour come morning.

The whole garden, one way or another, is vibrant during the month of June. I realise that now with posting daily. How is your garden looking? What scented plants do you enjoy? What do you love about the month of June in your garden?

This post was published by Shirley for shirls gardenwatch in June 2016.

5 thoughts on “#30DaysWild Day 8 – More fragrance required

  1. Many flowers seem to have had their scentt bred out of them. One problem with dianthus is that unless you choose one in flower you can never be sure that it will be a scented variety. We went to water our plot fairly late the other day and it was the broad bean perfume that caught my attention it always seems to come as a surprise. Apologies if I don't manage to catch up with you every day.

  2. Some dianthus are heavenly, aren't they. I'm particularly fond of Mrs Sinkins.
    It's interesting your wisteria is not fully out yet. Ours began flowering in early May and was pretty well over by June. It just shows what a big difference there is between north and south.

  3. I used to have a big swathe of pinks. They did smell marvelous. They wore themselves out and I didn't replace them. hmmmm I wonder why?? I think they need more sun than my garden could provide. What do I like about June?? There isn't much to dislike about June. The tall Lilies are blooming. They provide a lot of punch of color in the garden. The past couple of years I have fallen hopelessly in love with them. I want more and more.

  4. At the moment it is all the roses that are pumping out their perfume, along with the mock orange blossom whose perfume travels on the breeze.

  5. Hello again , a huge thank-you to you all for keeping up with my daily posts and leaving your comments 🙂

    Sue, yes that does seem to be the case although I believe that there is change ahead to bring the fragrance back. I hope so. Ah, I have been very lucky then as my dianthus plants weren’t in flower at the time of purchase. Great to hear of perfume at your allotment, not having one or growing beans I would never have guessed that about the beans. There is absolutely no need to apologise for not catching up every day – there is no way I’ve expected that. Ha-ha, I may well burn out yet 😉 I have really appreciated yours and Lisa’s regular comments especially as I’ve been an irregular blogger and then I try this. Thank-you very much for taking the time to even look at my blogs 😀

    Gail, ah, to be honest, I’m not familiar with many dianthus but I will make a note of Mrs Sinkins and keep an eye out on future garden and garden centre visits to smell her out 😉 My wisteria is a little late to flower (there are loads waiting to open) perhaps it has been too warm for them. We certainly are in need of rain now, although I have soaked the base of the plant as I know it can need a good watering for flowers. My flowers are looking a bit weak and leaf grow is opening so they better get a move on and open soon. Yes, I’ve noticed many differences between our ends of the country too 🙂

    Lisa, swathes of scent really would be amazing. I really can’t believe the scent of just three flowers open! Ah, we gardeners like to use a plant loss as a new opportunity but years down the line we will return to these plants. Ah, I’ve admired your tall lilies and they certainly do pack a punch. The lily is a much underused plant here in the UK. It went out of fashion at some point but some gardeners are enjoying it again. From time to time I consider them but space is a problem for me here – especially in the sun. Enjoy your!

    Pauline, you’ve just reminded me that I do have a wonderfully perfumed deep, deep plum red rose. It’s had a hard life as I’ve moved it about many times so it’s yet to yield a big crop but by jove the few blooms it has given as seriously scented. Enjoy yours, I’m trying to remember that mock orange blossom scent – I must sniff that one out at a garden or garden centre too 🙂

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