9 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday… first frosts… yay!

  1. We had our first frost on Monday morning 4th November here in Lancashire, just enough to put a thin skimming of ice on the pond.

  2. Hi Shirely,

    Lovely! No Frost here, at least not on the ground/garden. Although I did have to scrape my windscreen a few days ago. So it's won't be long before the ground is cold enough to freeze too.

  3. No frosts here either-It is usually early in the year that we get the odd frost. I'm looking forward to more frost images.

  4. Hello everyone, thanks for all your comments 🙂

    We only had a couple of frosty mornings which is good for now as there are a few garden jobs I want to do before the cold properly sets in to the garden. I’m sure you are all the same 🙂

    Susanne, welcome… thanks for stopping by 🙂

    RW & SK, thank-you!

    Sue, ah… hopefully not too frozen yet 😉 Yes, we’ve seen fieldfares this week – in my neighbour’s garden 🙁

    Lisa, it certainly is – 2x coats days 😉

    David, we possibly had frost then too but not too bad. Yes, a thin ice here too 🙂

    Liz,great for photos isn’t it – not so good for the cars though!

    Suzie, hoping this is an odd frost or two here too – lots I want to do in garden yet 🙂

    Angie, I’d guess the same with you. Yep… the feeder activity changes now – fun to see new visitors too. Hope you get lots 🙂

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