
What birds will you see?

January 26-27


Okay, sorry you won’t see a robin with a blue breast hiding in purple and pink foliage! However, the RSPB is very interested in the birds that do visit your garden this weekend over a period of one hour. If you would like to join this annual survey you can see more details on their website.

I just thought I would add one more reminder. I am taking part and look forward to seeing how my results will compare with last year’s. Although I have a feeling that the Sparrowhawk that has been visiting my garden over the last few days is likely to mess up my count! Ah well..

11 thoughts on “What birds will you see?

  1. Shirl, I have posted your link, Jodi’s link and the RSPB link on a just published post on Faire Garden along with a pitch for US gardeners and anyone to participate in this count. Hope that is okay. We will be counting and leaving the info in your comment page, is that how you want it? Let me know if you want it done differently, I think this is really important for as many to get involved as can. Thanks. Frances at Faire Garden

  2. Fantastic, Frances πŸ˜€

    Yes, the more the merrier! Comments on this post would be perfect πŸ˜€

    Thanks so much for joining us! Yes, I think this will be a valuable set of stats from outside the UK too and I am very much looking forward to seeing all these posts πŸ˜€

  3. Hello Shirl,
    I will be counting birds coming weekend πŸ™‚ Poland is also participating. I will publish on my blog my own result but also the country result.

  4. Hello, Ewa πŸ™‚

    Wonderful to have you joining us from Poland πŸ˜€

    If you leave me comment with a link for your post I will add a direct link to it on my results page πŸ˜€

    BTW I’ve just had a brief browse on your blog and I intend coming back for a longer visit soon. I also plan adding your link to my my list of garden blogs πŸ˜€

  5. Hello Shirl, of course I’ll join too. But I couldn’t read or see anywhere whether Switzerland is participating. So, I’ll submit the result to your blog, is that ok?
    Bye, bye,

  6. Thanks, Barbara πŸ˜€

    The bird count I am posting about is a UK one but I thought it would be fun to see birds in other gardens outside the UK too πŸ˜€

    Yes, it would be great if you either submit your results in your own post and I’ll link to you or you leave them as a comment on my results post. I am happy with what suits you best πŸ˜€

  7. Hi again, Mary πŸ˜€

    Excellent! I particularly look forward to seeing the beautiful cardinals in your North Carolina garden πŸ˜€

  8. I should be able to participate too. I hope those bluebirds come back for the count, I didn’t see them today πŸ™

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