
April raindrops

April showers are normally the reality for Scotland but, like other parts of the world, we have had an unusually dry April. We have had light misty rain on and off since the weekend but nothing substantial. Early this morning I went out with my camera to capture the droplets on my plants before they dried up again.
Patterns and sizes of raindrops varied depending on the surface of the leaves as you can see below. I particularly liked the way the hairs on the meconopsis almost spiked the droplets. I found it amusing to see droplets on the ladybird too!

Pictures above from top: Christophii Allium bud, Clematis with flower bud, Dissectum Acer, Meconopsis and Allium, Bowles Golden Grass , Euphorbia, Nepata.

2 thoughts on “April raindrops

  1. Very pretty pictures, Shirl. I had to water my garden tonight as it is bone dry. Some of my Astilbes had fainted. Luckily I was able to revive them.

    Never thought I would say this but I’d like it to rain for 2 days non stop. 😉

  2. I can sympathise – hope you get rain soon. It is absolutely amazing that only a few drops of water can revive a plant don’t you think?

    Many years ago I visited Beth Chatto’s dry gravel garden, outside Cambridge, which she doesn’t water at all as an experiment. When her plants seriously suffer she chooses to prune them hard back instead – most will come back again.

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